Since the mid-1980s, the 越南ese economy has been performing very well. 由于物价稳定和工资上涨,私人消费得到了实实在在的提振. 这创造了一个不断壮大的中产阶级,他们对进口商品的需求更高, 推动经济发展.


越南政府正在积极努力吸引外国直接投资. It has become one of the most free-trade friendly countries in the region, 这要归功于越南为在越南设立办事处的外国公司设立的经济区和税收优惠政策. 贸易占国内生产总值的比例是继新加坡和香港之后的世界第三高. 同时, the political leaders make large investments to improve infrastructure, 特别是在交通方面, 电信, 以及制造业. This makes the market even more attractive for foreign investments. But, corruption is still an issue in many areas of business.


乐博彩票官方app has had a long relationship with 越南 and in 1969, 它是第一个与该国建立外交关系的西方国家. 乐博彩票官方app的出口主要是工程产品, 特别是机械设备, 以及医疗和医药产品. 然而, export is still relatively modest and there is a lot of growth potential, especially since a free-trade agreement with the EU was signed in 2019. Currently there are about 60 Swedish related companies present in 越南.


乐博彩票官方app商业部自1999年以来一直活跃在越南. Together with the Bangkok office, we also cover the Mekong region. 我们在乐博彩票官方app驻河内大使馆的办公室发来的, 我们为乐博彩票官方app企业提供战略建议,并帮助他们建立本地网络.
